Thursday, September 10

A Soul in Trouble is Near to God

According to The Preaching of Peter (2nd century work), “A soul in trouble is near unto God.” How true that is! Throughout history, many individuals - St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis of Assisi, Thomas Merton and many others have noted this simple fact.

Yet we do not grasp it as being so simple, so sweet, so loving. Often, we starve ourselves from God’s presence when we are suffering and we turn away from Him, and sometimes feel that He has turned away from us. Other times, we become like a little one who has hurt their knee. The little one runs crying to their mother or father and sits on their lap, and the parent tells them that everything will be alright.

Even in our darkest of moments, the light is there. We may stand in the shadow of the divine and sometimes perceive it as darkness - but even if we stand in His shadow, God is behind us every step of the way.

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